New Form

NewForm: Build Forms quickly

Form made with newForm

This component receives an array of objects that identify the fields that the form will have, inside it uses useForm to collect all the information and send it to the server action that we pass as a parameter. But nothing, it is very simple, powerful and fast


 const fields: Field[] = [
      name: "name",
      label: "Name",
      type: "text",
      hasLanguageSupport: true,
      required: true,
    ... // Others fields
  return (
        onSubmit={upsertPlan} //Server Action


They are the values ​​of the model that we are going to update. For example, if we are going to update one of our membership plans... We must first obtain all the data of that plan with its id and send that array to newForm through the values ​​parameter. With this, NewForm will fill in all the fields

IMPORTANT: The name parameter of the fields must match the column of the table in question


It is the header for the form, completely optional


The array of fields that the form receives has the following parameters

  name: string;
  label: string;
  type: string;
  slug?: string;
  numberStep?: string;
  note?: string;
  forceInteger?: boolean;
  required: boolean;
  options?: FieldSelectOption[]; // [optionName, optionValue]
  hasLanguageSupport?: boolean;

Supported Field Types: Text, Slug, Textarea, number, gallery, image, password, date, toggle, select, searchselect, multiselect, list , mapSelector


When we are going to update, we must send part of the values ​​that we are going to fill in the form, also the id of the model that we are going to update. In this example it would be the ID of the plan that we are going to update


Server action prepared to work with the newForm So that the information that is sent to the server action that we pass as a parameter works both to create and to update, it must follow the following scheme

Example with Plan Membership Model

export const upsertPlan = async ({
}: {
  modelId?: number;
  payload: Prisma.PlanCreateInput | Prisma.PlanUpdateInput;
}) => {
 await prisma.plan.upsert({
      where: {
        id: modelId ? modelId : 0,
      update: {
        description: payload.description,
        status: payload.status,
      create: {
        name: as string,
        description: payload.description as string,
        status: payload.status as string,